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알콘 컨스탈레이션 팝업

Through our abundant surgical experience,
our vision correction specialists
use the most advenced technologies avaliable
and provide patient-centric care to make patient
experience more comfortable and enjoyable.

Our Cataract Surgery at Lee Eye Hospital minimizes pain
and bleeding with minimal incision, eliminates the need for sutures,
and makes your recovery as fast as possible so that our patients can
go back to their everyday life the day after the surgery.

Lee Eye Hospital's home page is designed to display the same information
on the web and mobile, considering various browser environments and mobile users.

Why eye contact?

Why did you visit this ophthalmology for 39 years

  • 66,328

    Excellent professional medical staff with extensive surgical experience

    Our trained specialist has long knowledge and skills that promise clean eyesight and better results with no side effects.

  • 1983

    Safe and accurate surgery since its opening

    Using a variety of state-of-the-art inspection equipment and state-of-the-art surgical equipment, we promise a complete examination and a safe and fast operation.

  • 2,727,670

    Number of treatments for an ophthalmology over the past 39 years

    We are committed to the patient - centered system and with the best care we can provide.

Three generations of the family come to our Lee Eye Hospital

Opened in 1983, 39 years have passed.
Lee Eye Hospital has become a place where a mother, her daughters and sons, and her grandchildren come to seek treatment together.

Ophthalmic surgery

From cataracts to eyesight correction, be safe and get the right eye surgery.

  • Cataract

    Our cataract surgery team will perform
    the surgery safely to provide patients
    with comfort, renewed vision,
    and improved visual clarity.

    • Weekend LASIKfor Workers

      It is a new patient-centric care program that allows you to receive treatment (LASIK surgery) on weekends if you have busy schedule on week days.

  • Surgical Consultation

    Individual surgery consultations and surgery reservations are available.
    Weekday AM 9:00 ~ PM 6:00
    Saturday AM 9:00 ~ PM 1:00

Lee Eye Hospital Information

We'll show you the details of the appointment and directions.

  • Working Hours

    • Weekday AM 9:00 ~ PM 6:00
    • Saturday AM 9:00 ~ PM 1:00
    • Lunch hour PM 1:00 ~ PM 2:00
  • Location

    • Address 1129, Jungang-daero, Yeonje-gu, Busan, 47524, Rep. of KOREA
    • TEL +82-51-866-7592~4